According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity is the second leading cause of mortality in the world. By 2020, as many as 60 million children will be endangered by obesity, and against that, we must now begin to fight through the propagation of healthy and physically active lifestyles.
The American Heart Association, the CDC, and other groups consistently promote the importance of physical activities and the impact on students’ academic performance, behavior, emotional balance, and overall well-being. This is a fact you know very well. Before the pandemic, 81% of students received their daily dose of physical activities during PE class. Superintendents, principals, […]
As #PE continues to live Online, there are emerging practices you can use to give your students an engaging experience. There are many suggestions that have been shared online. We have found these to be the most helpful. Lighting is everything. In video recording, lighting determines the quality of your video. Change your light bulbs […]
Many #PE #teachers were ‘instructed/encouraged’ to give a passing grade to all #students at the end of the #school year for obvious reasons. While the #pandemic2020 rages on and the new school year is about to begin, we owe it to our students to let them know where they stand. Unlike #maths or #scienceandtechnology , PE has a profound, lasting impact on one’s way of #life and cannot be […]
Sharese states: ‘Getting out and getting healthy doesn’t necessarily mean: hey kid, run five miles. Do something FUN!’ PhysednHealth We’re kicking off an exciting #WhyAwesome series — in which individuals give their advice and motivation for inspiring students to stay active in physical education class… and beyond! In this video, Sharese Davis (@summermichelleee) explains how she wasn’t […]
By TAKE CARE STAFF With the demand for schools to focus more on academics and less on gym class, many districts in the U.S. have cut back students’ physical education times or eliminated them completely. However, an author and authority on the connection between brain activity and fitness said the two goals of fitness and academic […]
Giving your students a fitness assessment test can be challenging. For that reason, many teachers resort to testing once or twice (pre and post) a year, or for the duration, they have the students. This approach has proven not to be effective because it measures biological growth instead of educating on the value of meaningful […]
There are many actions that college students can take to eat more healthily and enjoy their college years without jeopardizing their health from excessive weight gain or weight loss. Among some recommendations are: Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Avoid skipping meals. When you skip a meal, the subsequent hunger […]
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), regular physical activity can help children and adolescents improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as: Heart disease Cancer Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure Osteoporosis Obesity QPE must […]
BREAKFAST For a teenager, breakfast should consist of 35% protein, 45% carbs, and 20% fat (it does not need to be exact to that formula). Mental concentration burns many calories. Good Foods Bad Foods Zone bars Egg Cheese Ham sandwich on whole wheat English muffin Lean meats Greek yogurt Protein shakes Protein bars Fruit Peanut […]
How it works You can make physical activity fun by including the whole family. Our Get in Shape Challenge helps your family perform physical activity during family time. In a fun and manageable way. This quick workout does not interfere with your regular activities and can be quite fun. Try it at home for a […]
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