
Heroes' Lifestyle

According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity is the second leading cause of mortality in the world. By 2020, as many as 60 million children will be endangered by obesity, and against that, we must now begin to fight through the propagation of healthy and physically active lifestyles.

Woman Reading Food Labe

Five Things to Remember when Reading Nutrition Labels

Servings Per Container: This means how many servings are in the entire container. So you must look at the serving size. The serving size for this product is 2/3 cup. There are eight 2/3 cup servings in this container. Each 2/3 cup serving contains 230 calories. The remainder of the nutrition information is regarding that […]

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A Hotdog Can Kill You

Did You Know… The average American consumes only 16 grams of fiber on average when the recommended intake for women is 25 grams and 38 grams for men. The average American consumes 3,400 mg of sodium per day when the recommendation is to consume less than 2,300 mg. Reducing sodium intake by 1,200 mg per […]

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Healthy Weight

Top 10 Tips to Support a Healthy Body Weight

Physical activity: Engage in 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Regular exercise helps to increase your metabolism to burn more calories and start using fat stores as fuel. Reduce added sugars: The body doesn’t need ANY added sugars to function properly because they don’t provide any protein, […]

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Healthy Food

How to Eat a Well Balanced Meal

Our body’s need many nutrients from all different kinds of foods to grow properly, fight off infections, and prevent diseases. In order to provide the body what it needs, we need to make sure that we balance our meals by eating all five food groups at most, if not all meals! The five food groups […]

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Grocery Store

Shopping at the Grocery Store

Purchase from natural food stores like Whole Foods as much as possible. Shop when you are not hungry. Eat before going to the market. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Grocery stores are laid out in such a way that the healthiest foods are on the perimeter. Items of Concern: Peanut butter Instant rolled […]

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VEGETARIANS As you are aware, there exist many types of vegetarians, primarily: Vegans avoid all animal products, eggs or dairy products. They eat primarily vegetables, grains, fruits, and nuts. Fruitarians eat only fruits, seeds, nuts. Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products, but not eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat both eggs and dairy products. Pesce-vegetarians include fish in their […]

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